1. Oberyn Martell

Time of death: Season 4, episode 8, “The Mountain and the Viper”

Cause of death: The Mountain smashed his face and skull with his bare hands in Tyrion’s trial by combat.

2. Catelyn Stark

Time of death: Season 3, episode 9, “The Rains of Castamere”

Cause of death: Neck sliced open by Black Walder at the Red Wedding.

3. Rickon Stark
Time of death: Season 6, episode 9, “Battle of the Bastards”

Cause of death: Ramsay Bolton shot an arrow in his back, while pretending to give him to Jon Snow unscathed.

4. Rat-torture Victim

Time of death: Season 2, episode 4, “Garden of Bones”

Cause of death: The Tickler lets the bucket of rats strapped to the man’s chest basically eat him alive, because he can’t answer any of the questions.

5. Ramsay Bolton

Time of death: Season 6, episode 9, “Battle of the Bastards”

Cause of death: Sansa leaves him to be eaten by his own hounds.

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