Little Women: LA Season 9: Lifetime Release Date, Premiere Date News
Little Women: LA Season 9
Was Little Women: LA cancelled or renewed for season 9? When does it start on Lifetime? Now that season 8 is over, fans are wondering if the show will continue for another season or not. In this post, we have summarized everything we know so far about the next season.
What Is Little Women: LA About?
Little Women: LA Season 8 premiered May. 23, 2019 on Lifetime.
Over the past seven seasons of “Little Women: LA,” these ladies have seen success and failure with their relationships, families and careers. This new season is all about female empowerment for Terra, Tonya, Christy, Elena and Jasmine. From fierce competitions and emotionally challenging events, life is too short to waste time or energy where it’s not needed. The ladies are looking to take on new adventures, pushing boundaries, tackling prejudices against dwarfism and conquering their own fears.
Little Women: LA is an American reality television series that debuted on May 27, 2014, on Lifetime. The series chronicles the lives of women with dwarfism who are friends living in Los Angeles, California.
What happened in the last aired episode S8E18:
Trying to be better friends, Tonya and Elena step up to run events at Terra’s Little Person Retreat in Mexico. But after months of Cole harassing Autumn, an explosion erupts between them that leads to total chaos between the group. And once back in LA, Christy confesses deep, dark secrets about her marriage to Todd.
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The last episode of the series was released on August 15, 2019 in the US.
Is "Little Women: LA" returning for Season 9? When does the next season of Little Women: LA come back on? 🤔 Find out below!
Little Women: LA Season 9 Release Date
Heads Up! There is a newer season of this show. Check out the latest status here
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Show Information
Network | Lifetime |
Show Name | Little Women: LA |
Season | 9 |
Status | Pending |
Series Cast | Elena Gant Terra Jole Tonya Reneé Banks |
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Tara is the most hateful person, she thrives to hurt others, cancel that show
Tara is a very nasty person. The only way she can feel good about herself is to hurtful to others. Tired of watching her do this. Cancel the show.
tara is a really terrible person terra needs to be removed from the show. terra crossed boundaries that she should not have
If you actually watched season 8 episode 18 Terra went out of her way to be nice and let the past go. Unfortunately because of her and Christy's past Christy automatically assumed that it was Terra that had something to do with the drink for Autumn. But it wasn't. She had nothing to do with it. This time Christy jumped to conclusions, and yes I understand why, but she was wrong and I think the whole thing is sad. I wish her and Todd could work it out…he needs help, and I wish Cole wasn't on the show. Tonya should stop throwing Christy under the bus and Mika is just an instigator. I've watched every episode and feel like I wish I could hang with them! I wish I had their confidence!!
Tara can't be happy unless she is starting some chaos, and Mika is even worse. The rudest, pushiest, cattiest, most toxic women on TV. Elena and the other blonde one are the only decently behaved ones.
Season 8 of Little Women LA Terra had nothing to do with what's going on with Autumn Christy just overreacting and should not made comments toward Terra. I think now Christy should be apologizing,
Christy always wanting the girls to apologizing to her. Christy never aapologize for her mistakes. Look how she treats Tod. I think Christy has alot going on with her own family that she is taking it out on Terra. Terra is very stronger she's taking on a lot on raising her kids and trying to make a career and I think everyone else is jealous of that because she is a very strong woman for her being a little person yes Cole needs to be taken off the show he does stir up stuff with autumn and Mika also needs to be taken off because of her being an instigator
Bring another season on tv. I love this show
Terra is a bully, a very poor example of how any person should treat people. She definitely needs anger management and her husband Joe needs to grow up and act like a man and he also needs to go to AA! Christy and Brianna should definitely be on the show. Mike is a disaster of a person that I can't stand. She needs to go! Elena and Jasmine and Tanya should stay to. But Terra definitely needs help if you keep her on the show. I feel sorry for her children having to grow up with a mother with a anger problem and a immature alcoholic father. DCFS should look into helping her children if they can't get it together.
People this is a t.v. Show some of what your seeing is clipped together. If they got rid of anyone the show would be a bit boring! Friends have arguments and disagree and it shows them trying to work on their issues. If you are around this many women with their own strengths tension can definitely flare doesn’t mean any of them are bad people. I can’t believe the comment about tara’s children. In my opinion the person who made that comment is horrible it’s hard to be a parent let alone a little person with an LP child who has a lot of medical issues. Shame on that person. Your seeing what the show wants you to see and your judging of an hour show of someone’s life who you don’t even know. T.V. Production loves the drama and they find ways to ask things that cause it so stop being so judgmental about these ladies because you don’t know them and definitely leave their children out of it!
PEOPLE THIS IS AN HOUR REALITY SHOW!!! If you don't like it quit watching. I guarantee you would not be watching if there was no drama. Terra is great. She makes the show what it is. Not one person on the show needs to go. They ALL have their own issues but that is why we keep going back week after week. I can't imagine living one day in their "little" world. Kudos to the cast for wanting to put their lives out there. You go girls!!!!
wow, people are being unnecessarily harsh on Tara. It is a show for drama, and we don't even know what these women do outside of it. Chill.
I would love for the girls to come back I miss the show
Bring it back. Love it.
When 2020 season will starting
People forget a lot of this show is scripted for dramatic effect. I have noticed a pattern that each season focuses on at least 2 ladies not getting along w/someone else so that over time each one has been enemies w/ several other ladies. Then, of course, there are several ladies who either instigate problems between others or just enjoy causing fights over anything cause they're addicted to drama.
Never in my 67 yrs. of life have I ever personally participated in, or seen other women having the loud crazy shouting and/or pushing & shoving matches between women.
What's really a shame is that on a show that's exclusively about little people, is how degrading it is to them. I'm not a little person, but if I was, I'd be furious w/ the way these women are portrayed.
Will there be a season 9 and if so, when will it air?
I didn't have the privilege of seeing all episodes of Little woman LA so I'm not up to par hopefully I manage to find out where I can view and would love to know if there will be a season 9 truly hope so love the way their teaching the world how it is to live as a little person
Do the show without Terra. It would be a great show without her. Christy and the other girls will be fine without Terra.
when is season 9 of little woman la coming on tv for uk on freeview channels
when is season 9 coming back on tv for the uk for freeview channels love the program
@Arly Johnson You may never in your 67 yrs. of life seen or ever personally participated in, or seen other women having the loud crazy shouting and/or pushing & shoving matches between women, but I'm 59, an average size woman, & I've seen & participated in that type of thing many times! Lol But I miss these ladies & can't wait for a season 9!
When will the Little Women return. In Fact when will all of your good and most watched programs return ? It is way past time to get over marrying strangers 1 episode of that was 1 to many. You get a show people enjoy and you cancel it.
I love this show and hope they get the renewal
some of yall guys are being so harsh on terra…. Terra is a very nice little women but when you get her on her last nerve thats when things goes ugly. Im just waiting for season 9. Please huryyyyyyy
Please bring the little women of LA back I llove that show and miss it bad I would love to meet them my husband and I love these ladies
Terra needs sacked & kicked off the show, & dealt with the way bullies should be dealt with, will not watch this anymore, Terra is the worst human being on this planet