“Bel-Air” Streaming in March on Peacock
Peacock’s critically-acclaimed drama series Bel-Air has reunited original The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stars Daphne Maxwell Reid (Frank’s Place, Snoops) and Vernee Watson-Johnson (General Hospital, Bob Hearts Abishola). Both will guest star in the new hit series.
Daphne Maxwell Reid will play “Helen” and Vernee Watson-Johnson will play “Janice,” members of the Art Council Board of Trustee. The two will guest star in episode 109 of BEL-AIR, streaming March 24 on Peacock.
Daphne Maxwell Reid played Aunt Viv and Vernee Watson-Johnson played Viola “Vy” Smith in the original The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air series.
Bel-Air is currently streaming on Peacock. New episodes are released every Thursday. The season one finale will stream on Thursday, March 31 on Peacock.
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